Tuesday, 2 April 2024


THAT the Kenyan Law on Landlord tenants obligations and rights is a bit vague and is contained in various laws namely;

a)       The Landlord & Tenant ( Shops & Catering Establishments) Act.

b)      Rent Restrictions Act

c)       The Distress for Rent Act

d)      Land Act.

2.      THAT under the Landlord & Tenant Act, the tenancies covered are those relating to commercial/businesses tenancies and disputes emanating from these tenancies if there are below 5 years, should be referred to the business premises tribunal, the tribunal operates as a circuit and therefore there are major delays and violation of access to justice by parties.

3.      THAT under the Rent Restrictions Act, it generally provides for dwelling houses, however the Act restricts the same to dwelling houses with a Standard rent of below Kshs2500, and therefore with the current economic dispensation, it means that the Act locks out majority of dwelling houses tenancies.Disputes emanating from the tenancies falling within the Act should be referred to the Rent Restrictions Act.

4.      THAT the Land Act, which is the substantive law on matters land, provides for clarity on the rights of landlord and tenants under its PART VI, which provides for various leases and of importance a periodic lease, that arises when parties have not written down the agreement, in that case the lease is renewed on a periodic basis on acceptance of the rent.

5.      THAT under the Land Act, there are implied rights and obligations implied in every lease namely;

a)       the tenant has the following obligations amongst others;

                                            i.            to pay rent.

                                          ii.            to keep the premises in a habitable condition.

                                        iii.            to  allow inspection by landlord on  reasonable notice.

                                         iv.            not to sublet without consent.

b)      the Landlord has the following obligations amongst others;

                                            i.            to allow tenant peaceable  occupation.

                                          ii.            not to derogate from the tenancy ie not to allow use of the premises in a manner making it impossible for tenant to utilize the tenancy.

                                        iii.            to repair and  keep premises habitable.

                                         iv.            to pay tax and rates.

6.      THAT it is important to note that the landlord must give requisite notices before termination or eviction and even before change of terms.

7.      THAT whenever there is a transfer, the transferee takes the land with its burdens, which will extend to the tenants together with the prior terms they had with the transferor.

From the going it is clear that the Kenyan Law must be reformed to give clarity and this explains why in 2021 Parliament enacted a consolidated law known as the landlord and tenant bill, we hope that the same will be passed into law soonest.